Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I think the only reason why people HOLD onto memories so tight, for so l o n g is because memories are the only things that dOn'T change, even when people do.


Greg and Rendi said...

Where do you get such GREAT quotes! I love them!!

Jason said...

Lol, this is a great blog. Very random.

From what I have experienced, in most cases we hold on to memories so tight because we have unfinished business related to them. Things left unsaid, mistakes we have not forgiven or have not been forgiven for. Until we deal with the past it will haunt our future.

As far as people changing, yes we all change. As we go through trials and experience successes and failures we hopefully adjust to become better. Those who don't, usually repeat the past until they do. Its a part of the beauty of this life.