Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So its been awhile since I last posted, reason being...... several things have gotten in the way; family, holidays, turkey, knee surgery, pain meds, physical therapy, graduation, and lack of inspiration.

I was reading somewhere ( sorry I can't credit the source ) and it seem to fit perfectly with the "transition" I am currently going through.

All of us are either in quiet transition, the storm of tumultuous change, or simply find within ourselves a prompting that we must seek a different, more peaceful avenue upon which to travel the rest of our lives.

Its funny how I see myself at [the point above] numerous times within my life. Yet it always seem to be the biggest or most major choice at [that] particular time.


I was talking with my grandmother the other day and she shared some thoughts with me. Here are a few that I love.

God approved of this trial and pain. A long time ago so did I.

God always lifts us up over the rough spots.

Never forget who wore the crown of throns.

Christ is in no hurry. He's at the finish line with the scars.