Saturday, October 29, 2011

Your Worth

is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

And the only way to do great work is to

love what you do.

If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle.

As with all matters of the heart

you will know when you find it.

~Steve Jobs

Friday, October 28, 2011

Even if the path is a little b l u r r y, Keep Walking.

You'll FOCUS in when you know what you want.

Then the picture of your life will be crystal C L E A R .

Just don't ever give up and don't ever stop w a l k i n g.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Walk Down Memory Lane

I'm teaching two concurrent credit classes with

NNU ( Northwest Nazarene University) which are called

PIE (Professions in Education) and Early Childhood Profession

As part on the classes the students go on INTERNSHIPS

which means they help out preschool, elementary, or middle school teachers with

various task in their classrooms for about 4 hours every B day

Today I did observations.

I attended 24 different classrooms

In 7 different schools within the Nampa School District

Thoughts just flooded my mind as I walked the halls of each school
what else is new :)

Am I cut out for the High School role?

Why didn't I go into El Ed?

Why can't high schoolers be more cute and adorable?

Am I thriving off the "challenge" with teenagers?

Why do I have nightmares about subbing when the times that I have sub its been fine?

Are children more apt to learn at a younger age?


Why is it that kindergarten kiddos love the fact of going to school?

Why can't teenagers love going to school?

Why is it that the check their phones every 5 seconds?

What makes little kids so irresistible?

Why are my students shocked when I tell them I want to be a high school teacher?

What will I do if I have to teach Middle School?

Will it be more challenging?

Or would I enjoy it more?

Can't I teach little kids life skills?

Who says that making home made bread was for teenagers?

Couldn't 10 year old be just as good at making bread?

(Don't ask me how my yeast bread lab went with my Nutrition and Foods classes)

Which age group gives teachers more respect?

What kind of respect do I expect to receive from my students?

Do we even know what respect is anymore?

Why such a diverse attitude level within every single class?

Would I thrive better in a elementary setting?

Is that more of my niche?

Due to my personality?

Why can't high school be fun?

When I laugh in class it takes some of my students off guard.... why?

( those of you who know me..... can answer that question :)

Are high school teachers suppose to be mean and strict 24/7?

How often do teenagers laugh?

Do I value my education?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

3 good things

So I have hesitated blogging because several things have happened within the last couple of weeks...

But today is different

This is a simple blog post....

I'm currently sitting in my room in Nampa Idaho grading my students papers. Thoughts are bouncing everywhere in my mind.

And then I hear it!

The thunderstorm outside my window
My friends music she wrote
Advice from a really good mission friend

I love RAIN!

Every time it rains I feel closer to Heaven. Odd thought I know but that is how I feel.

My friends song is called Better Out There by Kim Buno

"It leaves a choice for you to grateful that you are given opportunities to do so and that you are sensitive to recognize those situations"