Wednesday, June 1, 2011


a question came from my dreams last night which I have been thinking about all day.

What does HAPPINESS feel like?
We can spout off the definition of the word. We can even say what happiness means to us individually, we can even go as far as giving examples of what would make us happy. But do we really know what it feels like?

the dictionary states: 1. to perceive or examine by touch 2. to have a sensation of something other than by sight, hearing, taste or smell

could (happiness) feel like:

stomach aching from laughter
lungs full of fresh air
warm sun rays on skin

light chill of the wind
clean wet from rain
freezing sensation from snow
light penetrating from dawn
stars dotting the midnight sky
vibrate colors of flowers
humming of bees
crunch of leaves under feet
majestic heights of mountains
long road trips
unexpected things of value


God wants me to be an individual with what I've got

I'm better than my circumstances

tremendous consequences come from little things

creativity comes from my emotions

1 comment:

Amelia Chesley said...


lovely lovely.