Monday, May 23, 2011



HaPpInEsS is.......?

Difficulty brings growth
Expect things to turn out
We aren't all living our PLAN A

Compelled to be Humble
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself

IF we thought of life as a gift, we might not demand nearly as much from it. And if we lived more graciously, giving of ourselves more freely to our personal concerns would disappear, and life would become easier for all.

Lowell c Bennion

Life never turns out the way you thought to would or would like it to. Are we conditioned to think that way?


wouldnt that be a refreshing way to live and feel each day?

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I am currently enrolled in a 400 level class called

Reading in the Content Area

and I LOVE it!

I have been in the Madison Junior High School observing the FCS classroom for about 3 weeks....
(FCS Family Consumer Sciences)

there are 6 different units in the kitchen with at least 5 or more students in each unit.

My group consist of two girls that struggle with learn helplessness, a boy in a wheelchair, a boy with a full time aid because of mental behaviorism, and a sweet shy boy that doesn't seem to fit in to any group of friends.

I have loved being with this group of students and enjoyed learning more about them and interacting with them.

They Bring Me Much Joy!

I cant wait to be a teacher!

Today in class we talked about varies learning behaviors and something struck me hard today that I never realized before....

Brother Wilson said ...

They are scared of their comparison.

The classes where the majority of the work is based on performance level, students tend to classify themselves with handicaps because they are not like the "one student" that really is the artist or the chief.

therefore they THINK that they are incapable and FEEL that there is no need to put forth effort....

the mentality is distorted.

The students think their skills are bad.

I thought a lot about this.....

How often does this happen with Junior High or High School students?

What causes this to happen?

What can I do to prevent this?

overcome this with my students?

What are ways to deal with this in the classroom?

Am I guilty of this occurring in my education?

in life?

in society?
in my interaction with others?
in my testimony?

in my actions of what I stand for?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



explained that GOD provides us with challlenges that are designed to help us grOW spiritually:

"Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the LORD feels you are prepared to grow more.

pROVERBS 3:11-12

HE therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where HE wants you to be requires a lot of S T R E T C H I N G , and that generally entails discomfort and pain."

How often do I tend to choose the easy path?

or desire to choose?


What feelings are present when I am on the easy path?

ChOoSe EfFoRt OvEr EaSe


how could a person be wounded and not know it?

pain in one of those really hard-to-ignore sensations

its meant to be noticed and demands to be fixed

spiritual wounds arent so hard to ignore

wounds on cuch a level that are impossble to notice

What am I doing today that I've never done before?

Thursday, May 5, 2011



we did a poster for one of my classes and this was the theme from Dr. Seuss

I've been thinking about all the places I have been and what I have experienced!

Ive put my travels into a puzzle.


Life is like a puzzle, the Lord has all the pieces therefore he can see the bigger picture!

Our task is to go and give others our puzzle piece so they may see the bigger picture.

I always wanted a world map, so that I may stick pins on the places I have been... but

its the people that tell about my journey not the place.

Its been neat to see the picture come together as I gather the puzzle pieces from those that I associate with during my travels.

those who read this I would love to collect your puzzle piece and add it to my perspective.

this is a chance for you to read your heart

St. Augustine once said, "The world is like a book and those you do not travel read only a page."


How many pages am I reading today?