Thursday, August 11, 2011

Refiner and Liberty

REFINE- to bring to a finer state or form by purifying

LIBERTY- freedom from control, interface, obligations, restrictions, hampering conditions, etc.

As I have mentioned before... I've been reading over my emails from the MISSION.

There is a moment in my mission where the CLOUDS were the darkest they could possible get. A transfer in time where I would never RELIVE..... but accept the fact that it was VITAL to experience.

Can one live throught the refiners fire and liberty jail together?

or even experience them together?


My mission president wrote this: Persistence is the power to go on in the face of difficulty. It is the missionary who never gives up, the missionary of faith who perseveres, the ablilty to try and try again, the person who gives until it hurts and then who gives some more. It is the person who keeps getting up one more time when he gets knocked down, the person who will accept defeat, and the quality that makes good men great and great men even better.


Kelsey Peterson said...

I don't think I will ever get to the point where I will request chalenges, but I always in hindsight am grateful for them. I am most thankful for the times I learn from trials that are smile and that I didn't have to go through a devastating trial to learn.

Amelia Chesley said...

this whole idea of 'accepting defeat' means a ton to me at the moment. i'm actually not even sure your quote there meant to say 'the person who will accept defeat,' since the more usual phrase is 'who will not accept defeat.'

but accepting defeat is a real thing. it's accepting you can't do this alone. accepting the Savior and His power and love. i am trying to accept my own defeat gracefully. i think it's part of me becoming who i am supposed to be in the end.