Friday, August 5, 2011


I have been reading through my mission journals, notes, and emails to my mission president and family.

I came across this question that I asked myself.

Is my mission legacy sure?


anything handed down from the past

I have been thinking..... How did I want to be remembered by the countless individual that I came in contact with for so many months.

Only to look back now... two 1/2 years later and wonder?

THIS is 100% PROOF of why I ASk myself questions and leave them unanswered.

To know ME!

to see what I wanted in life... to see if my perspective on life has changed BUT more importantly has myself changed.......... even to the slightest degree.

Do my friends and family see me as a converted soul?

Every Zone Conference... I would either speak, share my testimony or both

Without fail, I would start out with the most tender, true, statement ever!


I never understood what kind of impact that would have on anyone that heard me state that. To this day I still say it... but it has become more of an inward declaration.

I've been thinking of ways that we can bring our minds closer to Christs legacy... but first I think we need to know His legacy!

DAYS that change my life. How would I summerize my mission?


Kaycee Suzanne Allred said...

Kim I am so glad that you LOVED you mission! I am so glad that it was so good to you and you did so much good for others! I know you were an amazing missionary because of the experience I had with you in Nauvoo that one summer and from all the stories from you and others from your mission! It is so scary to me when Danny helps me to have missionary experiences. I never do any of the talking, but it is so neat and it feel so good to at least let someone who doesn't know about the gospel learn something about it from us. We recently when in Texas shared the gospel with what Danny call " a golden investigator" at the pool area in our apartment complex. It was neat. Well love you!

Kelsey Peterson said...

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by your deep thinking and other times I totally relate and think I've had those same thoughts or I enjoy pondering on some of your thoughts.
You definitely are a spiritual person. Maybe that's why I feel so uncomfortable because I don't think we are at the same spiritual level. Or maybe it's your confidence.
Anywho. I read/skimmed/pondered/loved/was confused and your past posts and sure hope that you are going to print this into a book someday. If not I'll do it for you. Mmmkay?
Here's to me hopefully keeping up with your blog and commenting on your every post so we are always on the same page or inotherwords post!

Kambria said...

Kimmy, I know you were the most wonderful missionary ever! I know you are converted and you have a string testimony! I love you!